Cineville is valid at all our screenings in Chassé Cinema. If you want to use your Cineville pass, reserve via the website of Chassé Cinema, there is a limited number available for each screening:…
Riki-Oh - The Story of Ricky

Hard man Ricky is incarcerated in a futuristic prison where ultra-violence is his only means of survival in the corrupt, sadistic system. He must battle his way quite literally ‘through’ the feared ‘gang of four’, and undergo multiple tortures before facing the governor in one of the goriest climaxes ever seen.
As part of our REBEL HELL program we present this insane gorefest to conclude the festival. Out with a bang!

Fake trailers parody of exploitation cinema (Hong Kong Category III, Zombie, Splatter, Nazisploitation & Vomit gore). These are 5 fake trailers assembled into a single video.