Shorts Blok 1: Old Testament

Block 1: Old Testament
- A Midwinter Night's Dream (7)
On midwinter’s night the sunstone must be returned or the
darkness will last forever.
- Het Juk/ The Burden(17)
A young woman visits her boyfriend's family home and learns about a sinister history.
- El Sindrome del Artico (14)
After two years of working in the arctic, Silvia returns home to meet her niece for the first time.
- Whence Come Brussel Sprouts (2)
We can finally learn where Brussel sprouts really come from...
- Schrottmagnet (13)
Schrottmagnet is like the mangy boar that fucks you in the ass from behind and then dies bleeding in your vomit.
- Stucco (17)
An agoraphobic woman finds a suspicious, hollow wall in her house.
- Unholy 'Mole (5)
A man sells the soul of his unborn child to satan so his wife will make him guacamole.
- Reformed (12)
An old, reformed criminal is abruptly returned to society, instantly exposing him to old temptations that challenge his new-found, righteous path.
- Enoch (3)
A familiar biblical spirit becomes the worst nightmare of an unsuspecting man.
- NOM (10)
An old cyclist starts a journey with an uncertain end.
A Midwinter Night's Dream

Every year on Midwinter’s Eve in a centuries old ritual, the Sunstone must be returned to the Yew Tree Goddess or the Darkness will last forever. The Yew Tree is ancient, it is mystical, magical and poisonous. Young Morrigan doesn’t want to do it, but her mother and the Vicar insist.
This film was shot in one take, no edits, no cuts, no cheats!
The Burden/Het Juk

A young woman visits her boyfriend's family home and learns about a sinister history.
El síndrome del artico

Zaragoza 1983.Silvia returns after two years working in the arctic to meet for the first time her knees, Angela.
Whence Come Brussels Sprouts

This slice of animated obscenity sticks the bony finger of a Very Important Truth in the viewer's mind's eye.

Schrottmagnet is like the mangy boar that fucks you in the ass from behind and then dies bleeding in your own vomit.
Unholy 'Mole

A selfish man sells the soul of his unborn child to Satan in exchange for forcing his wife to make guacamole for him. Things go wrong...

An old reformed criminal is abruptly returned to society instantly exposing him to old temptations that challenge his righteous, new-found path.

A familiar biblical spirit becomes the worst nightmare of an unsuspecting man.

A dreamy trip to the entrails of immortality from the perspective of an old cyclist who starts a disturbing and cathartic odyssey with an uncertain end.