Shorts Block 3 - The Nerds

Program item reference

Shorts Block 3 - The Nerds (ONLINE)


ook ONLINE is beschikbaar van 5 sept tot en met 7 sept

The Nerds

Is your teen a homosexual?(6)
This video will help you in this delicate situation!

A monk’s dedication is put to the ultimate test in this psychotically psychedelic animated nightmare.

Right of Way(2)
Make sure to keep 1,5 meter distance because of COVID-19, or else…

My Name is Koji(7)
A man bonds with his giant robot.

Ticket Code
Film description

The Nerds

This block is dedicated to the nerdy kids in high school. To the girl who had a panic attack when she scored 95% on a test instead of 100%. To the boy with braces and glasses so thick they could stop bullets. To the kid who was captain of the science club, the chess team and about 10 other after school activities. These short films are for them and for you!

Is your teen a homosexual?(6)
This video will help you in this delicate situation!

A monk’s dedication is put to the ultimate test in this psychotically psychedelic animated nightmare.

Right of Way(2)
Make sure to keep 1,5 meter distance because of COVID-19, or else…

My Name is Koji(7)
A man bonds with his giant robot.

A scientist is looking for a way to evolve into an elevated form of being, just like a caterpillar turns into a butterfly.

Feed Your Muse(16)
What would you pay to be able to write the perfect novel?

Enter the Beardman(9)
Chuck and his young karate student Tam-Tam have to defeat the terrible Cat Spirit of Wool in order to save the world.

What’s the Smell of Clouds?(8)
The caretaker of a neighborhood community hears strange percussive music, noises and screams coming from one of the houses.

Sous La Mousse(14)
A boy meets a horrifying monster living beneath the foam in his bubble bath.

Film duration